Today I saw this picture in the Inquirer of Baquio and just loved it.
Baquio is basically to Manila, what Cameron Highland is to KL or Chiangmai to Bangkok. Its the highland 'summer capital' where, in the olden days, the well-to-do used to go during the hot months. Its now the major source of fruits and vegetables for Manila. So the similarities is pretty obvious.
But Baguio is actually better. Whereas Cameron Highlands and Chiangmai is always all cloudy and rainy during the colder months, Baguio don't necessary will although it will be driest during the dry month of Feb-April. When it clears up like the picture shows it like Fall US East Coast. The scenery is fantastic and its just perfect right amount of chill, putting you in the mood for preparing for the coming Christmas hollidays.
Its the Ber month again in Philippines. I have mentioned this before. It stands for the month that ends with 'Ber' - SeptemBER, OctoberBER, NovemBER, DecemBER. But in reality it actually means the colder months between Oct-Feb. Its the perfect golf and outdoor weather in the Philippines time. When you come here, you will already start hearing Christmas music everywhere even before you get off the plane!!
I tell my friends especially those who are really stressed in Hong Kong and Singapore this time of the year with year-end review, taxes etc, that if they are fighting with their other half, they should just go away for a weekend in a place like Baguio or any resort outside Manila and it will do wonders for them.
But caveat to those who don't like it cold, it does get very cold especially at night in the month of Dec/Jan even possible to single digit degree Celsius although very very rare.