I have experienced All Saints Day both in New Orleans, Spain and here in Philippines and I have to say, Pinoy top the cake as far as this day is concern and that is saying a lot if you have been to New Orleans and invited to a Spanish event with their huge family gathering to eat, drink, music, singing, dancing all day and night..
The Filipinos does this even bigger. In Spain most of the celebration happens AFTER they go to the prayers and the visit to the graves in the morning. The Pinoys start the festivities at the graves itself.. But how do you celebrate at the graves? Well, you have to see it to believe. The graves are bigger and better than most houses in South East Asia. Its not that I have not seen graves these sizes before (there are a few still there in New Orleans) but the number of big graves or rather tomb-houses are incredible. And its incredibly elaborate. In those tombs are even kitchens, baths. I was told by architect friends that there are even jacuzzis and bedrooms, barbecue pits etc..
The Chinsee here, many are Catholics, also celebrate the day. One of the most curious thing I have ever seen is the Chinese cemetary here. We from Singapore and Malaysia practises QingMIng/Cheng Beng or ancestor celebration and we go to the graves to clean it. There are some pretty big graves around (just go to Nilai, Negeri Sembilan) BUT the Chinese graves here are just AMAZING. You have to see it seriously. They are almost mini emperor tombs. They are even bigger than than some of the old tombs of historical rich merchants in China. Its one of the things I keep thinking of showing to my parents. I keep wondering about how wealthy the Chinese were once upon a time here and how they adapted themselves to the local and Spanish influence BUT yet maintain their character (there are Chinese writings on them).
In the past, I have followed my pinoy friends to the family cemetary and joined in their celebration. But that was long ago when traffic was not as bad. Now the traffic on this day is the worst in the entire year, around the cemetary at least. Its actually unbelievable. Think of it like Johor causeway during a long holliday in Singapore like Hari Raya or Chinese New Year.
I was made to understand that they now don't allow the families to hold festivities at the cemetary now because of the traffic. Its a pity because its one of the most interesting and enjoyable experience I have ever had. On the bright side, it shows this country has progress to a stage it needs to managed such things and every year they do more to managed this day especially the traffic and the festivities that goes with it. It is ironically an indicator of progress. We in Singapore and Malaysia have long experience of having traditions changed because of progress. I use to go to my grandparents graves every QingMing as do many when they were young in my generation. Now I believe I am the only member of my generation in my family that remember where our grandparents graves are.
I doubt it will ever get so pathetic with Filipinos about their All Saints Day here. Its something to be said about the strength of their culture, influence and ideas. I must remember at least to go snap some pctures of the graves here for posterity and show them to my family and friends.
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