Friday, February 12, 2010

The Battle of the Brains - ACM ICPC

We sponsored the Philippine's team into ACM International Collegiate Programming Competition held this year in Harbin China. Otherwise known as 'The Battle of the Brains', this is the top programming competition for students in the world. The high school equivalent is called the International Olympiad in Informatics. The people in these competition are real problem solvers - they can solve really really tough programming problems. These are the people without which even good ideas do not turn into reality. These are the people that top tech companies from hot startups to Apple, Microsoft and Google like to hire and give stock options. These are the guys in the mold of Paul Allen of Microsoft and Steve Wozniak of Apple.

The Philippine team came in at among a group placed at 36 which actually don't sound impressive until you realise they only solved one less programming problem than teams from Stanford, MIT, Cornell, Carnegie Mellon. They beat the likes of National University of Singapore, Texas Austin, University of Illionois-Urbana, Australian Champions among others.

I thought they did pretty well and proves there are plenty of talent here in this country...

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